
The Approval of Others

Do you know how much people suffering from others opinion about themself? A lot.

This morning, i was reading one story about it. A woman posted some story on a group chat, she said that she is trying so hard to fit and get approved by society in her circle, but sadly until now she can’t get that approval from all her friends.

She said, she had changed a lot from top to bottom. Her attitude, her gesture or even her personality. She tried so hard to get their approval. But still, the result is Zero. Big Zero.

So, the question is : How many people experience that shit? atleast, me. i’ve been there. And i know some of my friends too.

We try to change a lot for someone else, are them that worthy? in the end, i know there are not.

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You don’t need some random person approval!

is she/he your truly best-friend? does their opinion make you feel better? is she/he really care what you feel?

If No, Stop it! especially, if there are just some people you just know. Why you should change for their approval since they are did’t actually care about you?

If you want to change yourself, it’s only because of You. Just You. You know the best version of yourself. I’m pretty sure, you know what is best or what is not good for your body. Do the best for yourself, not for others approval. Be a good person to yourself not a best person for everybody.

Love yourself more than others opinion. as long as you are not hurting others or make something legally bad. Just be your self, make your heart feel welcome on your own body.

You are perfect in some way 🙂

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